Board of Trustees
Officers of the Board
Donna Haley Grier, chair
Reynold 'Pete' Mooney, first vice chair
John Simon, vice chair
Robert Howard, vice chair
Joseph H. Menendez, treasurer
Jacqueline M. Bauer, secretary
Jimil B. Wilson, B.A., M.B.A.
E. Ronald Salvitti II, M.B.A.
Trustee Emeriti
John L.S. Northrop, B.A., D.P.S.
Walter Cooper, B.A., Ph.D., Sc.D.
Ronald P. Sandmeyer, Sr., B.A., LL.D.
James L. Phillips, B.A., M.D., Sc.D.
John R. Echement, LL.D.
James H. Knepshield, B.A., M.D., Sc.D.
Ronald V. Pellegrini, B.A., M.D., Sc.D.
E. Ronald Salvitti, B.A., M.D., Sc.D.
Robert A. Shoop, B.A., J.D.
John E. Frazier II, B.A., M.D.
William M. Stout, B.A.
Walter Flamenbaum, B.A., M.D.
Frank Rumore, B.A., M.D.
Jerrell L. Angell, B.A., M.C.P., M.Arch
Victor Lazzaro Jr., B.A., M.B.A.
Richard T. Clark, B.A., L.H.D.
Charles "Tuck" T. Nason, B.A., M.B.A
W&J Elects New Trustees and First Woman Chair
WASHINGTON, PA (July 19, 2022) – Washington & Jefferson College has named Donna Grier ’80 as chair of its board of trustees, the first woman elected to the position. The … Read more
A. Michael Pratt ’81 Elected to Anti-Defamation League of Philadelphia Board
A. Michael Pratt, a shareholder in Greenberg Traurig, LLP’s Philadelphia office, has been elected to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of Philadelphia’s Board of Directors. In this role, he will support the ADL’s efforts as a leading anti-hate organization.
Pete Mooney ’79 candidate for Waitsfield Select Board
The Waitsfield Select Board will interview five people interested in filling the balance of outgoing board member Darryl Forrest’s term tonight, Monday, December 7, with interviews starting at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom.
Washington & Jefferson College Welcomes New, Returning Members to Board of Trustees
Washington & Jefferson College welcomes Mark Johnson and Richard Clark to the Board of Trustees.
Watermark Welcomes Peggy Northrop As CEO
Trustee Peggy Northrop has been appointed CEO of Watermark, California’s largest organization devoted to increasing the numbers of women in leadership positions.
W&J Board of Trustees Chair Richard Clark pledges donation to campus library
Washington & Jefferson College’s U. Grant Miller Library will receive a complete renovation thanks to a generous gift from W&J Board of Trustees Chair Richard T. Clark ’68 and his wife, Angela.
Library renovations moving forward with donation from W&J Board of Trustees Chair Richard Clark
When students return to campus this fall, they will find one of the most popular study spaces on campus transformed. W&J’s U. Grant Miller Library will receive a complete renovation … Read more
The Audit and Risk Management Committee is charged with broad policy-level responsibility for the College’s financial practices, internal controls and risk management program. Specific duties of this committee include selecting the independent auditor and overseeing regular independent audits of the College’s financial statements, adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, adherence to the conflict-of-interest policy, and adherence to the compliance and risk management policies of the College. The committee is also responsible for review and approval of the College's annual IRS Form 990 before filing with any requisite federal and state agencies. The committee shall make policy recommendations, as needed, to the Board of Trustees and the College administration concerning any of the above.
John Pendleton, Jr., Esq. (C)
Mr. John Curtis Burns (VC)
Kelly M. George, Ph.D.
Mr. Reynold 'Pete' Mooney
Mr. Stephen M. Ross
The Development Committee is charged with broad policy-level responsibility, within the context of a Board-approved strategic plan, for the fund-raising work of the College and for alumni relations. Specific duties of the committee include encouraging financial contributions to the College from members of the Board of Trustees and others, and offering advice on alumni relations programming that supports positive relationships with alumni and increased philanthropic support. The committee will, as needed, make broad policy recommendations concerning fund-raising and alumni relations to the Board of Trustees and the College administration.
Dr. Mark L. Johnson, Sr. (C)
Mrs. Louise K. Ross (VC)
Mr. Clyde B. Jones III
Kelly M. George, Ph.D.
Diana L. Reed, Esq.
James March, Ph.D. (F)
Lori Galley, Ph.D. (F)
The Enrollment Committee is charged with broad policy-level responsibility for College enrollment within the context of a Board-approved strategic plan. The committee will, as needed, make broad policy recommendations to the Board of Trustees and the College administration on issues of enrollment and retention of students.
Mr. Charles F. Marcy (C)
Ms. Peggy Northrop (VC)
Ms. Jacqueline M. Bauer
Suet K. Lam, M.D.
Mary E. Massie-Story, M.D.
John Pendleton, Jr., Esq.
Mr. Stephen M. Ross
Mr. Jimil B. Wilson
The Executive Committee shall have the full power and authority of the Board of Trustees at all times when the Board is not in session, except for power and authority to take certain actions reserved to the Board itself in the College Bylaws. The Executive Committee may take any action if and to the extent specifically authorized to do so by the Board of Trustees.
Specific duties of the Executive Committee include assessing the College’s progress in fulfilling the Board-approved Strategic Plan. From time to time as needed, but at least once every five years, the committee will review the Strategic Plan and recommend any needed changes to the full Board and the College administration.
The Executive Committee also serves as the Compensation Committee, which is charged with determining the level of compensation, including salary, benefits and perquisites, for the President of the College and will monitor the compensation of key administrative officials who report to the President.
Mrs. Donna Haley Grier (C)
Ms. Jacqueline M. Bauer
Dr. Mark L. Johnson, Sr.
Mr. Charles F. Marcy
Mr. Joseph H. Menendez
Mr. Reynold 'Pete' Mooney
John Pendleton, Jr., Esq.
Diana L. Reed, Esq.
Mr. David A. Ross
Mr. Stephen M. Ross
Keith T. Ghezzi, M.D.*
Mr. Clyde B. Jones III*
* at large
The Financial Stewardship Committee is charged with broad responsibility to oversee the fiscal stability and long-term economic health of the College. Duties of the committee include reviewing and recommending Board approval for the College’s annual operating budget and long-term plan and monitoring the performance results as well as liquidity; recommending Board approval for the annual tuition, room, board and endowment draw rates; providing direction for the investment of the endowment by determining and/or monitoring the asset allocation, investment performance, investment manager(s), advisor and custodian effectiveness; providing oversight for the investment of operating cash; and recommending Board approval for the funding of capital projects and/or the issuance of debt. The committee is also responsible for the regular review of policies related to signature authority and other financial controls, investment management, operating cash and debt.
Mr. Joseph H. Menendez (C)
Mr. John D. Simon (VC)
Keith T. Ghezzi, M.D.
Mr. Robert M. Howard
Kenneth R. Melani, M.D.
Mr. David A. Ross
Mr. Jimil B. Wilson
The Governance Committee is charged with broad responsibility to help ensure the organizational health and effective functioning of the Board of Trustees. The committee will regularly review Board structure, policies and procedures in the light of acknowledged best practices of non-profit governance and shall make recommendations as needed to Board leaders. The committee will also establish and maintain a mechanism to help the Board Chair and the President of the College monitor the satisfaction of individual Board members as well as the Board’s overall morale and performance.
As often as needed, but at least once a decade, the Governance Committee will review the College Bylaws and recommend any changes that may be needed. The committee shall also review and recommend any needed changes in the number, types and charges of Board committees. The committee shall recommend a slate of officers to the Board on an annual basis.
The Governance Committee shall seek to recruit new Board members who will support the College and add to the variety of interests and backgrounds found in Board members. Before recommending a new member of the Board, the committee shall consider the person’s character, reputation and qualifications as well as the person’s ability and desire to contribute time, talent and resources to the College. The committee shall articulate the Board’s performance expectations for Trustees and shall offer an orientation program for new Trustees. The committee shall also recommend members for reappointment to the Board.
Diana L. Reed, Esq. (C)
Mr. Clyde B. Jones III (VC)
Ms. Jacqueline M. Bauer
Keith T. Ghezzi, M.D.
Mr. Charles F. Marcy
The Property, Buildings and Grounds Committee is charged with broad policy-level responsibility for the College’s physical assets - - its land, buildings and equipment - - within the context of a Board-approved campus master plan and College strategic plan. Specific duties of this committee include the approval of land purchases, new construction, major renovations, general maintenance, and the sale or demolition of College properties.
As often as needed, but at least once every five years, the committee will review the Campus Master Plan and recommend needed changes to the Board of Trustees and the College administration.
Mr. David A. Ross (C)
Kenneth R. Melani, M.D. (VC)
Mr. John Curtis Burns
Mr. Robert M. Howard
Mr. Joseph H. Menendez
Mr. John D. Simon
Max Miller, J.D. (F)
Jason Kilgore, Ph.D. (F)
The Student Success Committee is charged with broad oversight to ensure the highest quality college experience for all W&J students. The committee will receive regular reports from the College administration, faculty and student leadership on the following: academic programs and faculty development; student learning outcomes and career placement, student living, social and extracurricular activities; athletic programs; and other curricular and co-curricular activities that contribute to the overall success of W&J students. The committee will recommend candidates for granting of degrees and faculty for sabbaticals, promotion and tenure to the Board of Trustees for approval. The committee will be informed in its activities of the success of the college’s graduates and of the processes and activities that produce student learning and developmental outcomes. It will recommend, as needed, modifications or new programs and activities that may enhance the overall experience of W&J students and ensure their competitiveness in a post-college environment.
Mr. Reynold 'Pete' Mooney (C)
Suet K. Lam, M.D. (VC)
Dr. Mark L. Johnson, Sr.
Mary E. Massie-Story, M.D.
Ms. Peggy Northrop
Mrs. Louise K. Ross
Elizabeth Bennett, Ph.D. (F)
Timothy Klitz, Ph.D. (F)
Amanda Holland-Minkley, Ph.D. (F)
(F) faculty representative
Valerie Strimel
Executive Assistant to the President and Board of Trustees
60 South Lincoln Street
Washington, PA 15301
Phone: 724-223-6000